• <?$vis_koienavn?>


    Degree of difficulty (read more)
    terrain with few variations, medium difficult navigation, long walking distance

    Source: yr.no

    Cabin description

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    The road towards Håen (same road as the road to Kråklikåten) is a toll road and cost 90 kr. You're not able to pay there, but the car is automatially registered. You then have to go to this website and pay the toll whitin 24 hours. If you don't, you will recieve an invoice later, which will include an extra invoice fee.

    The name of Nicokoia comes from Nicolay Sejersted Selmer; he was active in NTHI and liked outdoor life before he died during the Second World War. His parents donated 3000 NOK to NTHI in 1946. This was money Nicolay had earned during his work with radio broadcasting from Bymarka during the first year of the war. Together with Nicolays parents it was decided to build a cabin. Esten Langeland offered a ground next to his alp in Brungmarka. 1947 was the cabin built. The adventure could begin!

    Around the cabin there is nice terrain for skiing, e.g. to Kråkfjellet. In summer you can linger from one nice spot to the next. A daytrip to Kråklikåten can be nice. But be careful: all the valleys in Brungmarka lie in north-south direction. You should try to go along them. If you try to cross them the trip will take longer than you thought!

    Route description

    With public transportation, you have several options. The shortest route is from Brøttem, but there are no buses here on Saturdays and Sundays. During the weekends, you can take a bus or train to Ler or Lundamo. From Ler, it’s about 20 km to the cabin, while from Lundamo it’s a few kilometers longer. The route from Ler follows road and gravel path all the way to the cabin and may be well-suited for cycling. The routes from Brøttem and Lundamo involve pathless forest and marsh terrain along the way.

    A trip to Nicokoia Friday afternoon starts normally from Brøttem. From here you cross Selbusjøen and follow the road ca. 500 meters where it crosses Brunga. Then you go steep up in direction south until you find the road again. In winter it might be easier to follow the road, even if that means some extra meters. You continue on the road and pass Lekås on the way up to Blestertjørnin. Here you go in direction south on the eastern side of Blestertjørnin, over a small hill and towards a stream. Follow the stream on the west side towards Teigavollen, here it's easier to go.

    Next to Teigavollen there is the old alp road through Brungmarka. Summertime this is a good path, wintertime there is marked scootertrack on it. You follow it to Dalsvollen. Five hundred meters behind the houses you go up in Lokdalen and follow the edge of Litlfjellet towards Langlandsvollen where the cabin is situated ca. 100m in east direction from the alp houses. Langlandsvollen can be difficult to see if you come from north.

    A shorter trip is it to come from south. Here you need a car to drive in the road to Håen from Lundamo. It is open also in winter. From Håen you go towards Granhaugvollen and continue to Sæterbekken, pass Steinskjørka and go towards Såmmåran. From here stay east of the marches and go up to Langlandsvollen which is easy to see from this side.

    In summer it's also possible to drive in from Fremo. Then you pass Teigavollen and come in the alp road from there.

    If you don't want to go back the same way, you can e.g. go to Støren and take bus or train from there. For that you have to go down to Håen, cross Gammelåsen and go down to Tilsetvollen, Follstadvollen, Vollsvollen and Høstvollen. Here you will find a road to Støren. Quite nice on skis, but also nice during the rest of the year.

    NB: There is no path most of the way, so you need to bring with you map and compass. (As you always have to do on cabin trips.) It is a long walk to the cabin, so you need to use skies in winter times.

    Extract from the cabin matrix

    The table may be scrolled sideways.

    FACTS Bed
    Year Terrain Bike Summit
    Guitar Waffle
    Nicokoia 8 12 1947 F/T x (x) - x - historical

    Private car Public transport
    Summer Winter Trans
    Summer Winter
    Nicokoia 1:00 2:30 3:30 2:30 3:30 bus 0:45 4:00 4:45 4:00 4:45

    Alt. Transport Route via Exit
    Nicokoia 1



    Buss 72/73
    Buss 83/214

    Regionbuss 340

    Regionbuss 440

    Tog SJ
    Trondheim - Klæbu sentrum
    Klæbu sentrum - Bjørkli

    Trondheim - Støren - Røros

    Trondheim S - Støren Rådhus

    Trondheim - Røros
    Klæbu sentrum
    Brøttem gård



    Ler stasjon

    Check The Cabin Matrix for more information and comparison with other cabins.


    Summer and winter time: Parking place behind the bridge in the western end of Håen. Early in winter (before the middle of February), behind the bridge over Skjelbrea, app. 4km before you come to Håen.